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Treating PAIN



In the various aspects of my Wellness practice, I see many patients dealing with chronic pain. In 2021, research showed that over 20% of Americans deal with pain on a daily basis. That amounts to about 50 million suffering folks!

Pain specialists have broken down the pain constellation into three main categories: nociceptive pain, inflammatory pain and neuropathic pain. Nociceptive pain refers to that caused by injury, surgery or any other tissue structural abnormalities. It is treated by correcting the underlying abnormality and relieved by simple pain killers like acetaminophen or ibuprofen or, for severe nociceptive pain, narcotics. Inflammatory pain is that caused by infection, allergies or autoimmune disorders like lupus or rheumatoid arthritis. Neuropathic pain describes those disorders like diabetic neuropathy or neuropathy caused by chemotherapy. Neropathic pain is confounding, difficult for patients to describe and identify and even more difficult to treat. It is characterized by tingling, intense stinging or numbness in the path os individual nerve roots.  Anti-depressants like amytryptiline or anticonvulsants like gabapentin have been used with mixed results as well as undesirable side effects for neuropathic pain.

The opioid crisis, which we are still in the midst of, points up the frustration faced by patients and providers alike in their desire to treat this profound and disabling clinical problem.

The pain cycle is complex, and does’t only involve the actual, discreet painful moments, but also the anxiety that comes with the anticiption of pain, the muscle spasm that results for the body’s attempt to localize pain, and if long lasting and poorly treated, can even lead to depression and suicidal ideation.

There are nontraditional treatments which can be helpful. I have found that visualization meditation can be very beneficial. In this practice meditation subjects are asked to visualize the site of their pain or injury, then mentally visualize healing and relief. This can be very helpful.

Medical Cannabis is particularly useful in dealing with all aspects of the pain cycle and I have seen this modality change people’s lives for the better.

As always I welcome comments, questions or referrals to MONACO Wellness. We are here to help!

In health,

Dr. John Monaco

MONACO Wellness

(813) 541-6440

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