“We are no better than the worst of us, and no worse than the best of us.” In other words, being humble connects us to the rest of us.
The opposite of humility is arrogance which dictates that we could never be as bad as the worst of us, and possibly better than the best.
Quite simply, humility connects us and arrogance separates us. Humility fosters compassion for others, while arrogance fosters indifference to others.
Perhaps in these tumultuous times, it behooves us to humbly look for similarities that we share with others, rather than focusing on our differences. Focussing on differences of “others” leads to fear and resentment, and ultimately hatred. It is much more difficult to resent those to whom we feel connected by our similarities.
For example, those facing the tragic destruction of lives, homes and livelihoods in Gaza have much in common with the victims of the horrific LA fires or those who lost everything in the Florida hurricanes of 2024. Those commonalities lead to connection and a desire to reach out with aid and support, while the differences lead to disconnection and indifference.
The world would be a more hospitable, healthy place if we looked for connection and commonality. Humility connects while arrogance separates. Think of it as a mantra and try to live it!
In health,
Dr. John Monaco
MONACO Wellness