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Lifestyle is medicine


Lifestyle as Medicine - Prevention as cure

The four most common chronic conditions in modern society are: 1. Heart Disease 2. Diabetes 3.Obesity and 4.Cancer. The good news and also perhaps the most challenging is that 80% of these conditions can be treated or at least improved by alterations in lifestyle.

In a recent lecture by Dr. David Katz, noted author and public health advocate, he noted that if we work on six basic aspects of our lives we can reduce chronic disease which leads to premature death and disability by 80%.

These six elements have a profound effect on our health, and by improving them, we can improve the quality of our lives and reduce premature death dramatically.

Smoking, poor diet and sedentary lifestyle are the largest contributors to health, while sleep quality, stress and socialization are close behind.

This is not news, but stated succinctly, by improving what we do with our feet (activity), forks(eating habits) and fingers(smoking) along with attending to sleep, stress and love, not only can we live longer, but we can improve the quality of our lives while we are here.

Knowledge is indeed power, but knowledge is no good without putting that knowledge into action. Get yourself a plan to improve with those six factors in your lives, and you will be healthier for that. Need help implementing that plan? Call MONACO Wellness, and we can help!

In health,

Dr. John Monaco

(813) 541-6440

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