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Holiday Serenity


Serenity for the Holidays- keeping it simple

As we strive to recover from Thanksgiving indulgences, our thoughts turn to preparation for the Christmas holidays and the inevitable stress that comes with our efforts to make everything perfect for families, friends, loved ones and colleagues. Let us offer a few pointers on ways to approach the holidays, so your stress is minimized, and your enjoyment maximized!

First, understand that no matter how hard you try to provide a memorable holiday for everyone you know, IT WON’T BE PERFECT. Additionally, THAT’S OK. Know that your loved ones’ happiness does not depend on your performance. Sure, do your best but have fun and remember you are only human and even if your holiday meal is disastrous, for example, your loved ones will still love you!

SET YOUR EXPECTATIONS LOWER. Don’t feel you need to provide a Hallmark christmas for everyone. Instead, strive to partake of simple pleasures with your love ones - a favorite Holiday movie or caroling with friends in the neighborhood. If your voices are like ours, the evening will definitely be filled with laughter and great memories! Build a fire in your fireplace or outside fire pit. Prepare your favorite beverage. Put quiet music on your device, sit back and enjoy.

Remember family traditions and create new ones. For example, we purchase our live tree from the same family tree farm each year and decorate our home the Friday and Saturday after Thanksgiving, and everyone pitches in and helps, including the boyfriends! Traditions add to the richness of the celebration, and often can be done with a minimum of extra cost or trouble.

And remember the UNEXPECTED WILL OCCUR. Things will go wrong at some point. Our happiness and enjoyment does not depend on things going perfectly. We control how we react to the unexpected, and so does everyone else. Practicing self care can help you maintain a good frame of mind to deal with the imperfection of holiday activities!

For help with your self care practices, contact us at MONACO Wellness, or (813) 252-6378.

With Peace and Joy,

Dr. John Monaco

(813) 541-6440

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