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The following is extracted from The PRACTICE OF GROUNDEDNESS, by Brad Stullberg as summarized by Time Magazine:

Many of us are feeling more fatigued than usual. Google searches for “Why am I tired all the time?” are at an all time high. Mr Stullberg feels this is not just due to the pandemic but something more - he feels here is a lack of excitement in our lives, and we are filling that excitement void with anxiety.

With less “going out” and less travel, folks are feeling bored and sluggish and they attempt to combat this malaise with social media, looking for a jolt. Instead we find horrific news on line or incendiary social media interactions that increase our anxiety. Repeated bouts of anxiety lead to deep exhaustion, and an unwillingness to partake in any activity.

The author suggests this cycle can be broken by forcing ourselves to increase our activity because while physical fatigue benefits from rest, psychological fatigue often benefits from action. In his words, “We don’t need to feel good to get going, we need to get going to give ourselves the chance to feel good!”

Need help finding ways to increase our activity or engage with with he world? Contact MONACO Wellness, and we can help!

Dr. John Monaco

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